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Aggressive Hacking

Welcome to our website. We are an Ethical Hacking company. That means that, with your permission, we probe your website, routers, domain name servers, Internet-connected devices, and local applications for security weaknesses which may be exploited by bad actors. We then report those weaknesses to you, including exactly how we detected them. You then take this report to your favorite cybersecurity company for remediation.

This process is known by several names: threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, risk assessment, and penetration ("pen") testing.

In addition, we provide an Exploit service in which, again with your permission and in strict coordination with a member of your IT team, we exploit a weakness discovered during threat assessment, such as crashing your website, accessing sensitive information, stealing passwords, etc. Of course we never actually damage, steal, or destroy anything; only a minimal demonstration of what a bad actor could do. Again, we tell you exactly how we did it, and you take it to your favorite cybersecurity company.

Please explore this website. It contains a brief tutorial on the types of hackers, a more detailed description of our services, sample threat and exploit reports, contract forms, a forum, and a contact form.

Famous Last Words

We're just a little company. Nobody would want to hack us.

We just had the latest virus scanner, intrusion detection system, and firewall installed by a very expensive cybersecurity company. Now our site is completely hack-proof.

We don't need a professional hacker to probe our digital assets. We have IT guys who know how to do all that stuff.

Only Windows applications get hacked. We're running Linux. It never gets hacked.

It's too expensive.

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